The toughest part about having a hedge in your garden isn’t putting it there in the first place; it’s the maintenance. Whether you’re a beginner to gardening or you’ve been taking care of your exterior landscape for many years, planting a hedge requires a fairly intensive ongoingl commitment. However, with a bit of work, the results can be stunning, and a well-kept hedge offers privacy, muffles traffic noise and creates an elegant boundary.
Selecting the right varietal for your hedge makes a difference to the level of care that will be required. High-maintenance hedges can be tough to keep up with, resulting in a messy border or out-of-control foliage that takes away from the overall aesthetic of your garden rather than adding to it. If this is your first time planting a hedge, or you simply want something easy to look after, we can help.
There are plenty of suitable options to choose from that love Aotearoa’s subtropical climate. Read on for five of the best low maintenance hedge plants NZ gardeners of all levels can plant and care for with ease.
1. Classic Boxwood
First and foremost, we have the boxwood. Of all the low maintenance hedge plants in NZ, this option is one of the most popular thanks to its dense foliage. The evergreen leaves ensure your garden will look vibrant no matter the time of the year, and the slow growth rate makes this a dream to maintain. You won’t have to get out there every weekend with your hedge trimmer to keep up with this particular varietal.
If your garden is blessed with full sun and occasional afternoon shade, this is the choice for you. Once established, this is also fairly drought-resistant, so it’s an ideal choice if you live in one of the hotter spots of Aotearoa’s North Island.
Best pruned: At least twice a year, including once in late spring and once in late summer.
2. Native Corokia
Also known as the ‘Wire-Netting Bush’, Corokia is a popular choice in Kiwi gardens. This native plant is dense, durable, and has a unique texture that takes easily to a variety of climates and soil conditions. They grow to three metres tall, but thanks to that built-in versatility, they are very easy to maintain. This makes the Corokia an ideal choice for the beginner gardener.
If you’re after something distinctive for your garden, this shrub changes from season to season, providing a new look for your space every few months.
Best pruned: Fairly regularly to shape your hedge as it grows.
3. Dense Pittosporum
Pittosporum is more of an umbrella term, with a variety of different species finding homes in Kiwi gardens around the country. These plants aren’t fussy, taking easily to different soil types and climates. They’re also dense and grow up to a height of five metres, which is what makes them ideal privacy screens.
This would be your ideal selection if your garden has plenty of sunshine. Aside from that, the specific species you select will inform the best application for the hedge. For example, ‘Silver Sheen’ is well-known for the unique colouring on the leaves and a compact growth habit, so it’s best used as a privacy screen.
Best pruned: At least twice a year: once in late spring and again in late summer.
4. Floral Port Wine Magnolia
Next on our list of low maintenance hedge plants in NZ is the iconic Port Wine Magnolia, also known as the Michelia Figo. This particular hedge is fragrant and floral, sporting small purple or yellow flowers in spring and summer. In cooler months, it stays beautifully green and luscious, so your garden will feel summery year-round.
This is an excellent choice if you’re seeking a hedge with blossoms that doubles as a top-notch privacy screen. The dense, bushy nature of this particular varietal makes it a top pick for Kiwi homeowners who need their hedges to play double duty.
Best pruned: Once a year, in late winter.
5. Versatile Mirror Bush
Finally, we have the Mirror Bush. You might also know it as a Coprosma. This iconic Kiwi hedge got its name from the shiny dark leaves that speckle the entire shrub. Glossy and beautiful, this is a hedge that will stand up to almost anything, including harsh coastal winds or drought.
Depending on how you choose to grow these plants, you can use them as small border plants around a well-tended lawn or as a large privacy screen. If you’re seeking something versatile and forgiving, you’ve found it in the well-loved Coprosma.
Best pruned: Twice a year, during late winter or early spring.
These are five options out of the many low-maintenance hedge plants NZ gardeners have to choose from, and some of the best, in our experienced opinion. From the classic Boxwood to the floral Port Wine Magnolia, each of these hedges is perfect for a different style of garden (and gardener).
Take the time to consider what you’d like most from your hedge, whether it’s privacy or a touch of colour. From there, you can select the best varietal to transform your space without giving you a garden maintenance headache.
Plant and maintain your dream hedge with ease in partnership with Paramount Gardening.
Looking to select one of the top low maintenance hedge plants in NZ for your garden? We’re here to consult on your options with your maintenance needs in mind.
Our hedge care specialists are also on hand to keep your shrubbery healthy, elegantly pruned, and flawless. Get in touch with our elite team today for a quote on your garden care.